Antonio Gaudi 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch Antonio Gaudi

2.71/5 - (7 Votes)
Countries: Japan,
Release Date: September 07, 1985
Year: 1985
Runtime:72 mins
IMDb Rating:

Hiroshi Teshigahara's camera takes us over, under, around, and into the buildings and park designed by Antoni Gaudi (1852 - 1926), Catalan architect, ceramist, and sculptor. Teshigahara suggests the influence of Romanesque churches and monasteries on Gaud� and the influence of the caves and crags of Montserrat, close to Barcelona. Every line of Gaud�'s seems curved, and no surface is without textures. With little narration, the film takes us through Casa Vicens, projects for the industrialist G�ell (including the Crypt of the Col�nia G�ell and Park G�ell), Casa Batll�, Casa Mil�, and Barcelona's landmark, the unfinished Templo de La Sagrada Familia.................................................Director:.Hiroshi Teshigahara.